Filipino Asian Conservatives

My #WalkAway Story

Immigrants who are about to become US citizens should learn which political party they should register with.

When I became a US citizen, I registered as a Democrat because here in San Francisco, California, most of my relatives and friends are Democrats. The liberal mainstream media was a big influence on us because they always broadcast negative reports against Republicans, saying that they were racist, prejudiced, etc. So when I took a political science class at the College of San Mateo, I discovered that the two political parties have their own party principles. I discovered that my conservative values were the same as the Republican Party’s and that I was not a liberal. That is how I left the Democratic Party for good.

How to find out which party you belong to Your moral values will tell you which party you belong to. If you are liberal, then you belong to the Democratic Party because their party principles are liberal, and if you are conservative, then you belong to the Republican Party because their party principles are conservative.

#1. What is the best way to determine whether you are a liberal (Democrat) or a conservative (Republican)?

Republican Conservative Party Principles:

You are a Republican if your beliefs and moral values are conservative:

# Against Abortion
. The Right to Life of unborn babies. (The overwhelming majority of all abortions, (95%), are done as a means of birth control as a matter of convenience. Only 1% are performed because of rape or incest; 1% because of fetal abnormalities; 3% due to the mother’s health problems.)
Supports LEGAL Immigration BUT against ILLEGAL Immigration. Support close borders. Enforce Immigration Laws.
# Supports Border Control to prevent human trafficking, Illegals, and Drugs across the border.
For Lower taxes, Tax cuts, Low Fees.
Supports Strong Military (Peace through Strength)
Opposes welfare or entitlement except for those who really need them.
Maintaining the core family values that helped establish our great country
Believes in a Free market economy.
Believes the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals.
Individual rights or liberty.
Government money does not belong to the government. It belongs to the taxpayers who worked hard for it.
As it pertains to the constitution, a conservative believes in what is called “original intent.”
Believes in personal responsibility. You work instead of relying on Govt support like Welfare.
Pro Traditional family. (Disintegration of the family as a unit caused almost all the problems.)
For Limited government or Smaller government for less restriction and control of the people.
Favors Free enterprise (Capitalism) and limited governments are the heart and soul of the Republican Party.

Democratic Liberal Party Principles:

  You are a Democrat if your beliefs and moral values are Liberal:  

Supports all forms of Abortion and Late-Term Abortion up to 9 months
Supports Illegal Immigration and an open border. Don’t support immigration laws.
Supports High Tax & High Fees
Supports Taxpayer Money to Pay for Contraceptives
Supports Taxpayer Money to Pay for Abortions
# Don’t allow FREE SPEECH to Conservatives
# Weak Military (cuts Military budget and weakens the Military)
Supports nontraditional family
Supports big Government or more Government control
Supports Govt Socialized Healthcare
Supports welfare even to those people who are able to work but chose not to.

Democrats removed God from their party platform in 2012 and believe their power is in government control.

Democrats “Cancelled Culture” and What’s Next?!

Social Justice

“Social justice may be broadly understood as the fair and compassionate distribution of the fruits of economic growth. Social justice is not possible without strong and coherent redistributive policies conceived and implemented by public agencies.” Let me repeat that: “Strong and coherent redistributive policies conceived and implemented by public agencies.”

The UN report goes on to insist that: “Present-day believers in an absolute truth identified with virtue and justice are neither willing nor desirable companions for the defenders of social justice.” Translation: if you believe truth and justice are concepts independent of the agenda of the forces of progress as defined by the left, you are an enemy of social justice. The best way to solve racial inequality is for Black people to work their way up through the current system by owning businesses and operating in positions of power.  

“In a capitalist society, you’ve got to have a business if you want to progress. Or you’ll be in a social program and you’re just dealing with the social issues,” . “I didn’t create that, but I’m going to learn how it works.” 

“Let me offer you my definition of social justice: I keep what I earn and you keep what you earn. Do you disagree? Well then tell me how much of what I earn belongs to you – and why?” – Walter Williams

#2. The Racist History of the Democratic Party

Flashback Democratic party flyer

“The Two Platforms. The Democratic Platform Is For The White Man. The Republican Platform is for the Negro. Democratic Party Campaign.”Post Civil War Reconstruction Era Campaign Poster for the Democratic Party, Circa December 1869.

r/PropagandaPosters - "The Two Platforms. The Democratic Platform Is For The White Man. The Republican Platform is for the Negro. Democratic Party Campaign."Post Civil War Reconstruction Era Campaign Poster for the Democratic Party, Circa December 1869.

The Democratic Party started in the 1800s under Andrew Jackson. It was founded base on their belief that  Democracy should be for Elites, Land Owners & White Men only.  Democrat President Andrew Jackson signed the cruelest the Indian Remove Act Law. The Democrats removed the Indians from their homeland forced them to travel to the West.  More than 5 thousand natives lost their lives during the displacement known as the “Trail of Tears”.

DEMOCRATS Defended Slavery and Against Abolition of slavery in 1865
DEMOCRATS Opposed Citizenship for Blacks 1866
DEMOCRATS Opposed Voting Rights for Black 1869
DEMOCRATS Founded the Ku Klux Klan the White Supremacist org.
DEMOCRATS Opposed Reconstruction
DEMOCRATS Implemented Jim Crow
DEMOCRATS Fought against the Civil Rights Acts of the 1950s
DEMOCRATS tried to filibuster the civil rights act in 1960s

DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT Andrew Johnson overturned the land redistribution for Blacks order by the end of 1865.

Ku Klux Klan
Across the South, the Klan and other terrorist groups used brutal violence to intimidate Republican voters. In Arkansas, over 2,000 murders were committed in connection with the election. In Georgia, the number of threats and beatings was even higher. And in Louisiana, 1000 blacks were killed as the election neared. In those three states, Democrats won decisive victories at the polls.

“The Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1866 in Pulaski; its first grand wizard was a Confederate general who was also a delegate to the Democratic National Convention. The Klan soon spread beyond the South to the Midwest and the West and became, in the words of historian Eric Foner, “the domestic terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.” The main point of the Klan’s orgy of violence was to prevent blacks from voting—voting, that is, for Republicans. Leading Democrats, including at least one president, two Supreme Court justices, and innumerable senators and congressmen, were Klan members. The last one, Robert Byrd, died in 2010 and was eulogized by President Obama and former President Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton called him her “mentor.” The sordid history of the Democratic Party in the early twentieth century is also married to the sordid history of the progressive movement during the same period. Progressives like Margaret Sanger—founder of Planned Parenthood and a role model for Hillary Clinton—supported such causes as eugenics and social Darwinism. While abortion was not an issue in Sanger’s day, she backed forced sterilization for “unfit” people, notably minorities. Sanger’s Negro Project was specifically focused on reducing the black population.”

Jim Crow Laws
Jim Crow laws were established by the Democrats to keep Republicans from voting at the polls because you could identify all blacks as Republicans. It was not whites keeping blacks from voting, it was Democrats keeping Republicans from voting. Move forward in history and look at all the governors and policies in the old confederacy and you will find a lot of racist Democrats who even closed down public schools rather than integrate them, like Gov. James Almond in Virginia.

Black Codes – Democrats created the black codes to keep White Supremacy by limiting  Black Americans’ right to property and force them to work in low wages jobs.

Jim Crow laws in various states required the segregation of races in such common areas as restaurants and theaters, black residents to take seats apart from whites on municipal buses.

Reparations first arose as a promise, in early 1865, to redistribute land in the southeast U.S. to formerly enslaved people. For decades, the promise is often invoked in the phrase, “40 acres and a mule.”

It was a promise left unfulfilled. By the end of 1865, Democrat President Andrew Johnson overturned the land redistribution order. In the decades since, Black Americans have endured a succession of injustices, from Black codes to Jim Crow and redlining — American policies that broadly kept generational wealth-building out of reach for many Black communities.

source: abc7 news

The Most Racist Democrat, President Woodrow Wilson.

How Woodrow Wilson Tried to Reverse Black American Progress
By promoting the Ku Klux Klan and overseeing segregation of the federal workforce, the 28th president helped erase gains African Americans had made since Reconstruction.

Wilson was also a segregationist who wrote a history textbook praising the Confederacy and, in particular, the Ku Klux Klan. As president, he rolled back hard-fought economic progress for Black Americans, overseeing the segregation of multiple agencies of the federal government.

Woodrow Wilson Was Even More Racist Than You Thought
Princeton University could have disassociated itself from the former president a long time ago.


Democrats labeled themselves as the “White Man’s Party” and attacked Republican Party as the party of “negro”.

Northern and Southern Democrats protected slavery
It is the Party of slavery for 100 years

The Republican Party

By February 1854, anti-slavery Whigs had begun meeting in the upper Midwestern states to discuss the formation of a new party. One such meeting, in Wisconsin on March 20, 1854, is generally remembered as the founding meeting of the Republican Party.

In 1856 the Republican party was founded and John Fremont became the first candidate of the Republican Party for the office of President of the United States.

Democrats called them Black Republican party because the Republican was based on the abolition movement designed to help blacks Americans and free the slaves and keep them free in the Northern Territories.

Next election in 1860 cycle Lincoln won the election and the 7 states of the Confederacy in the deep south were out of the Union before Lincoln took office because they knew that the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery in America.

The National Union Party was the temporary name used by the Republican Party for the national ticket in the 1864 presidential election which was held during the Civil War. … The party nominated incumbent President Abraham Lincoln and for Vice President Democrat Andrew Johnson, who were elected in an electoral landslide.

Republican party in Texas was started by mostly black people on July 4, 1867.

President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, as the nation approached its third year of bloody civil war. The proclamation declared “that all persons held as slaves” within the rebellious states “are, and henceforward shall be free.”

It was Abraham Lincoln’s declaration that all slaves would be permanently freed in all areas of the Confederacy that had not already returned to federal control by January 1863.

Democrats Tried to Filibuster the Civil Rights act
In the Senate, the bill faced strong and organized opposition from Southern Democrats. Influential senators like Richard Russell, Strom Thurmond (who would soon switch to the Republican Party), KKK Robert Byrd, William Fulbright, and Sam Ervin joined together to launch a filibuster that lasted for 57 days.

Russell, a Democrat from Georgia, at one point argued that the bill would lead to the destruction of the South’s “two different social orders” and result in the “amalgamation and mongrelization of our people.”

An Oral History of the American Black Conservative.

UNCLE TOM (2020) – Full Movie with special introduction from Chad O. Jackson

1:24:09 / 1:47

Voting Rights for Blacks
Congress also passed the Civil Rights Act of 1960, which further addressed the voting rights of black Americans and established penalties for those who tried to prevent people from voting. The bill passed the House on a 311-109 vote that garnered support from the majority of both parties. Roughly 87 percent of Republicans voted in favor of the act, as did 64 percent of Democrats. In the Senate, the bill was then amended and passed with similar levels of support—83 percent of Republicans voted “yea” versus 65 percent of Democrats. The House approved the final bill in a 288-95 vote, with 81 percent of Republicans and 59 percent of Democrats in favor.
May be an image of 9 people and text

The First Black US

Senators and Congressmen were all Republicans only 3 years after the Republican Party abolished Slavery.

Rep. John Willis Menard (R) Louisiana 1868.

Rep. Joseph Rainy (R). South Carolina 1869 – 1878.

The First Black Man Elected to Congress Was Nearly Blocked From Taking His Seat

Over the next decade, 15 more black men would take their seats in the House and Senate as Reconstruction allowed a radical, if brief, transformation of government.

Senator Hiram R. Revels (R). Mississippi 1860 – 1870. First Black Senator in US History.

Rep. Jefferson F, Long (R). Georgia  1869 – 1870

Rep. Robert C. DeLarge (R). South Carolina 1871 – 1872

Rep. Robert B. Elliot (R). South Carolina 1871 – 1872, 1873, 1874

Rep. Benjamin Turner (R) Alabama 1871 – 1872

Rep. Josiah T. Walls (R) Florida 1871 – 1876

Rep. Richard Cain (R) 1873 – 1874, 1877 – 1878

Rep. John Lynch (R) 1873 – 1874, 1875 – 1876, 1881 – 1882

Rep. James Rapler  (R). Alabama 1873 – 1874

Rep. Alonzo J. Ranzier (R). South Carolina 1873 – 1874

Senator Blanche K. Bruce (R)    Mississippi 1875 – 1880

Rep. Jeremiah Haralson (R). Alabama 1875 – 1876

Rep.  John Hayman (R). North Carolina  1875 – 1876

Rep. Charles Nash (R). Lousiana 1875 – 1876

Rep. Robert Smalls (R). South Carolina 1875 – 1978, 1881 – 1886

Rep. James O’hara   (R) North Carolina 1883 – 1885, 1885 – 1886

Rep.  Henry Cheatham    (R)  1889 – 1890, 1891 –  1892

Rep. John Langston (R). Virginia 1889 – 1890

Rep. Thomas Miller (R). South Carolina 1889 – 1890

Rep. George Murray (R) South Carolina 1893 – 1894, 1895 – 1896

Rep.  George White  (R) 1897 – 1898,  1899 – 1900

Twenty-Two Black Republicans were elected in the congress by 1900.

The Democrats did not elect Blacks to Congress until 1935.

Blacks were a majority of the population in many congressional districts across the South. In 1870, Joseph Rainey of South Carolina was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, becoming the first directly elected black member of Congress to be seated.[2] Blacks were elected to national office also from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Texas and Virginia.

All of these Reconstruction era black senators and representatives were members of the Republican Party. The Republicans represented the party of Abraham Lincoln and of emancipation. The Democrats represented the party of planters, slavery and secession.

The Fake “big switch”

If you actually look up the party affiliations of all of the southern “Dixiecrats,” you can see that most never even switched sides. Al Gore, Sr.? Never switched. Robert Byrd? Never switched. Bull Connor, a.k.a. the arch-nemesis of MLK, jr.? Never switched. In fact, out of all the politicians that were “Dixiecrats,” (there were 18 in total), only two ever switched. There was never a mass exodus of southern Democrats from the Democrat Party, and there’s definite proof to back up that statement. Saying they all became Republicans is the epitome of revisionist history, and it’s a shame how many people are buying it.?

By February 1854, anti-slavery Whigs had begun meeting in the upper Midwestern states to discuss the formation of a new party. One such meeting, in Wisconsin on March 20, 1854, is generally remembered as the founding meeting of the Republican Party.

In 1856 the Republican party was founded and John Fremont became the first candidate of the Republican Party for the office of President of the United States.

Democrats called them Black Republican party because the Republican was based on the abolition movement designed to help blacks Americans and free the slaves and keep them free in the Northern Territories.

Next election in 1860 cycle Lincoln won the election and the 7 states of the Confederacy in the deep south were out of the Union before Lincoln took office because they knew that the election of a Republican President meant the end of slavery in America.

The National Union Party was the temporary name used by the Republican Party for the national ticket in the 1864 presidential election which was held during the Civil War. … The party nominated incumbent President Abraham Lincoln and for Vice President Democrat Andrew Johnson, who were elected in an electoral landslide.


The Liberal Media  (CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, PBS, AP, REUTERS, etc)

The liberal media will not report anything good done by Conservatives, most of the reports they make are negative towards sand the Republican Party.

The Effect of the Liberal Media to new Asian immigrants in America.

The biggest advantage of the Democrat party is their Liberal Media who are constantly reporting false, bias, and half-truth against Republicans. Many immigrants are being brainwashed into thinking that Conservatives and Republicans are not good and a bunch of racists people which is actually the other way around if you know the history of slavery and emancipation.

Liberal Media BIAS and Double Standard

If there is a breaking story about Democrats the Liberal Media will not report them but if there is news about Republicans it will be all over the Liberal Media news networks in bold fonts.

Even Facebook and Twitter block breaking news report if it is about Democrats.  

Breaking: Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday declassified documents that revealed former CIA Director John Brennan briefed former President Obama on Hillary Clinton’s purported “plan” to tie then-candidate Donald Trump to Russia as “a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server” ahead of the 2016 presidential election


“I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” — Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One Ronald Kessler’s “Inside The White House”


In 1946, Democrat Congress passed the Rescission Act, stripping Filipinos of the benefits they were promised

In 1946, a racist law was passed and signed by Democrat President Truman the Rescission Act of 1946 – Democratic Party Majority Congress stripped Filipinos Troops of the benefits they were promised. Signed into law by Democrat President Harry S. Truman on February 18, 1946.

These are the 250,000 Filipinos who served in WWII. As scouts, guerrillas, and enlisted soldiers in the Philippine Army, they were told they would get full benefits in exchange for putting their lives on the line, fighting side-by-side with the U.S. military.


Malcolm X: “There are many whites who are trying to solve the problem. But, you never see them going under the label of liberals.”
Malcolm highlighted that the White American who identifies as a liberal is the most ‘dangerous’ and ‘deceitful’ thing in the Western Hemisphere.

The Human Rights activist further compares a liberal to a fox, which unlike the wolf, deceits its prey. In other words, Malcolm X suggested that the ‘liberals’ who claim to be the ones fighting for the rights of black Americans is in fact exploiting them for their own benefits.


#3 Biden Racist History the Liberal Media like CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABS, CBS and other Liberal Media  will not report

NOTE: Jim Crow laws (Segregation of White and Black people and not allowed to InterRacial Marriage) were state and local laws that enforced Racial Segregation in the Southern United States implemented by Democrats in 19th and early 20th centuries until 1965.

In a 1973 Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee hearing, for instance, Biden said the “less educated” members of his “constituency” would say things like “We don’t want no n*ggers here, boy. You understand me?”

In 1975, Mr. Biden supported a sweeping antibusing measure offered by Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina, who opposed Civil Rights, and also offered his own less stringent antibusing amendment to an appropriations bill.

In 1976 I’m going to say it another way I think you would agree – discrimination has become very, very sophisticated. It’s not much in vogue to be a George Wallace of the 1950’s and say we don’t like no n*ggers.

Mr. Biden introduced another proposal in 1976 that blocked the Justice Department from seeking busing as a desegregation (to integrate students) tool, and co-sponsored an amendment in 1977 that limited federal funding of busing efforts. He continued his efforts that year with a bill curbing court-ordered busing and thanked Mr. Eastland for attempting to bring his legislation to a vote in a letter.

He has a working relationships in the 1970s and 1980s with Racist and Segregationist Democrats in Congress Senator James Eastland of Mississippi and Senator Herman Talmadge of Georgia

In 1978, Biden didn’t just talk to Eastland, as he recounted before the crowd in Birmingham, Ala. He approached the elder on the Judiciary Committee with concerns about his reelection prospects that year.

Biden boast about co-operating and socialising with unreconstructed southern segregationists.

Mr Biden praised the “civility” amongst lawmakers in the 1970s when he first joined the US Senate.

He called out his work with two southern Democrats who used their political position to advance their beliefs that white and black people should not live together.

“I was in a caucus with James O Eastland,” Mr Biden told the audience, referring to the segregationist senator from Mississippi.
He added that Eastland never referred to him as “boy” during their working relationship.
The word “boy” is a racial epithet used to describe black men.
Mr Eastland notably referred to African Americans as an “inferior race” and warned that racial integration would lead to “mongrelisation”.

Joe Biden praised Racist and former Ku Klux Klan Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, calling him a “friend,” “mentor,” and “guide.” Byrd once recruited and led a 150-member chapter of the KKK.
KKK Byrd also tried to Filibuster the Civil Rights act of 1964.

Biden Racist comments:
1973 “I think the two-party system, although my Democratic colleagues won’t like me saying this, I think the two-party system is good for the South and good for the Negro and good for the black in the South.”

In 2006, Biden commented on the growing population of Indian Americans in Delaware.
“You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking,” he told a voter.

Aug 14, 2012 During Obama’s 2012 presidential reelection campaign, Biden warned a mostly black audience in Virginia that Republican Mitt Romney’s plan to undo financial regulation would “put y’all back in chains.”

Aug 8, 2019 “Poor” kids are as bright as white kids.

2007 Barrack Obama is the first “clean” black presidential candidate.

“I mean you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African American, who is articulate and bright, and clean and [a] nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man,” Biden said.

Aug 5, 2020 Unlike the black community, the Latino community is Diverse

May 20, 2020 If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black

February 2021
Biden suggests minorities Latinos and Blacks just aren’t smart enough to “get online.”


Kamala Harris is descended directly from the top slave owner In Jamaica. Kamala’s father Donald Harris wrote an article in a Jamaican Magazine Jamaica Global.

  1. Kamala Harris Has a Slave-Owning Ancestor (Democrats not able to refute her connection)
  2. Kamala Harris is not an African American (Black American) in the American context it refers to connected to the legacy of slavery that what it means and Kamala Harris is not. She is Half Jamaican and Half Asian Indian. Kamala is the descendant of the largest slave owner in Jamaica.


#4 Trump Accomplishments

# A man that never had any political experience was able to:
Renegotiate NAFTA: President Donald Trump signed the replacement for the North American Free Trade Agreement into law on Jan. 29, 2020, fulfilling a campaign promise to rewrite a deal that he labeled “a disaster.”

# Successfully Renegotiated NATO made them pay for security.

# Built the wall to stop Illegal drugs, Human Trafficking, and Illegals

# African-American unemployment hit a record low of 5.9 percent in May 2018.
# Women’s unemployment recently at lowest rate in nearly 65 years
# Unemployment claims at 50 year low
# Hispanic unemployment at 4.5 percent.
# Asian-American unemployment at record low of 2 percent.

# Successfully Renegotiated China Trade deal: Beijing has bought $39.3 billion through June, according to U.S. export data. Meanwhile, Chinese import figures — garnered from the country’s customs offices — show $48.5 billion of purchases.
To meet the skinny trade deal’s requirements, China’s imports must reach at least $172.7 billion or U.S. exports must top $142.7 billion. The pact signed in January allowed either figure to be used in determining compliance.

# Move the Embassy to Jerusalem

# The United States is now Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957

# Economic Growth

4.2 percent growth in the second quarter of 2018.
For the first time in more than a decade, growth is projected to exceed 3 percent over the calendar year.

# Jobs
4 million new jobs have been created since the election, and more than 3.5 million since Trump took office.
More Americans are employed now than ever before in our history.
Jobless claims at lowest level in nearly five decades.
The economy has achieved the longest positive job-growth streak on record.
Job openings are at an all-time high and outnumber job seekers for the first time on record.

# American Income
Median household income rose to $61,372 in 2017, a post-recession high.
Wages up in August by their fastest rate since June 2009.
Paychecks rose by 3.3 percent between 2016 and 2017, the most in a decade.
Council of Economic Advisers found that real wage compensation has grown by 1.4 percent over the past year.
Some 3.9 million Americans off food stamps since the election.
Median income for Hispanic-Americans rose by 3.7 percent and surpassed $50,000 for the first time ever in history.
Home-ownership among Hispanics is at the highest rate in nearly a decade.
Poverty rates for African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans have reached their lowest levels ever recorded.

# American Optimism
Small business optimism has hit historic highs.
NFIB’s small business optimism index broke a 35 year-old record in August.
SurveyMonkey/CNBC’s small business confidence survey for Q3 of 2018 matched its all-time high.
Manufacturers are more confident than ever.
95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future, the highest ever.
Consumer confidence is at an 18-year high.
12 percent of Americans rate the economy as the most significant problem facing our country, the lowest level on record.
Confidence in the economy is near a two-decade high, with 51 percent rating the economy as good or excellent.

# American Business
Investment is flooding back into the United States due to the tax cuts.
Over $450 billion dollars has already poured back into the U.S., including more than $300 billion in the first quarter of 2018.
Retail sales have surged. Commerce Department figures from August show that retail sales increased 0.5 percent in July 2018, an increase of 6.4 percent from July 2017.
ISM’s index of manufacturing scored its highest reading in 14 years.
Worker productivity is the highest it has been in more than three years.
Steel and aluminum producers are re-opening.
Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, and NASDAQ have all notched record highs.
Dow hit record highs 70 times in 2017 alone, the most ever recorded in one year.

Winning: Retailers Make Historic $34.4 Billion During Super Saturday Sales
Booming Economy Leads to ‘best traffic our team has seen in years’

# Deregulation
Achieved massive deregulation at a rapid pace, completing 22 deregulatory actions to every one regulatory action during his first year in office.
Signed legislation to roll back costly and harmful provisions of Dodd-Frank, providing relief to credit unions, and community and regional banks.
Federal agencies achieved more than $8 billion in lifetime net regulatory cost savings.
Rolled back Obama’s burdensome Waters of the U.S. rule.
Used the Congressional Review Act to repeal regulations more times than in history.

# Tax Cuts
Biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history by signing the Tax Cuts and Jobs act into law
Provided more than $5.5 trillion in gross tax cuts, nearly 60 percent of which will go to families.
Increased the exemption for the death tax to help save Family Farms & Small Business.
Nearly doubled the standard deduction for individuals and families.
Enabled vast majority of American families will be able to file their taxes on a single page by claiming the standard deduction.
Doubled the child tax credit to help lessen the financial burden of raising a family.
Lowered America’s corporate tax rate from the highest in the developed world to allow American businesses to compete and win.
Small businesses can now deduct 20 percent of their business income.
Cut dozens of special interest tax breaks and closed loopholes for the wealthy.

9 in 10 American workers are expected see an increase in their paychecks thanks to the tax cuts, according to the Treasury Department.
More than 6 million of American workers have received wage increases, bonuses, and increased benefits thanks to tax cuts.
Over 100 utility companies have lowered electric, gas, or water rates thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
Ernst & Young found 89 percent of companies planned to increase worker compensation thanks to the Trump tax cuts.
Established opportunity zones to spur investment in left behind communities.

# Worker Development
Established a National Council for the American Worker to develop a national strategy for training and retraining America’s workers for high-demand industries.
Employers have signed Trump’s “Pledge to America’s Workers,” committing to train or retrain more than 4.2 million workers and students.
Signed the first Perkins CTE reauthorization since 2006, authorizing more than $1 billion for states each year to fund vocational and career education programs.
Executive order expanding apprenticeship opportunities for students and workers.

# Domestic Infrastructure
Proposed infrastructure plan would utilize $200 billion in Federal funds to spur at least $1.5 trillion in infrastructure investment across the country.
Executive order expediting environmental reviews and approvals for high priority infrastructure projects.
Federal agencies have signed the One Federal Decision Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) streamlining the federal permitting process for infrastructure projects.
Rural prosperity task force and signed an executive order to help expand broadband access in rural areas.

# Health Care
Signed an executive order to help minimize the financial burden felt by American households Signed legislation to improve the National Suicide Hotline.
Signed the most comprehensive childhood cancer legislation ever into law, which will advance childhood cancer research and improve treatments.
Signed Right-to-Try legislation, expanding health care options for terminally ill patients.
Enacted changes to the Medicare 340B program, saving seniors an estimated $320 million on drugs in 2018 alone.
FDA set a new record for generic drug approvals in 2017, saving consumers nearly $9 billion.
Released a blueprint to drive down drug prices for American patients, leading multiple major drug companies to announce they will freeze or reverse price increases.
Expanded short-term, limited-duration health plans.
Let more employers to form Association Health Plans, enabling more small businesses to join together and affordably provide health insurance to their employees.
Cut Obamacare’s burdensome individual mandate penalty.
Signed legislation repealing Obamacare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board, also known as the “death panels.”
USDA invested more than $1 billion in rural health care in 2017, improving access to health care for 2.5 million people in rural communities across 41 states
Proposed Title X rule to help ensure taxpayers do not fund the abortion industry in violation of the law.
Reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy to keep foreign aid from supporting the global abortion industry.
HHS formed a new division over protecting the rights of conscience and religious freedom.
Overturned Obama administration’s midnight regulation prohibiting states from defunding certain abortion facilities.
Signed executive order to help ensure that religious organizations are not forced to choose between violating their religious beliefs by complying with Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate or shutting their doors.

Combating Opioids
Chaired meeting the 73rd General Session of the United Nations discussing the worldwide drug problem with international leaders.
Initiative to Stop Opioid Abuse and Reduce Drug Supply and Demand, introducing new measures to keep dangerous drugs out of our communities.

$6 billion in new funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
DEA conducted a surge in April 2018 that arrested 28 medical professions and revoked 147 registrations for prescribing too many opioids.
Brought the “Prescribed to Death” memorial to President’s Park near the White House, helping raise awareness about the human toll of the opioid crisis.

Helped reduce high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent in 2017.
Opioid Summit on the administration-wide efforts to combat the opioid crisis.

Launched a national public awareness campaign about the dangers of opioid addiction.
Created a Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis which recommended a number of pathways to tackle the opioid crisis.
Led two National Prescription Drug Take Back Days in 2017 and 2018, collecting a record number of expired and unneeded prescription drugs each time.
$485 million targeted grants in FY 2017 to help areas hit hardest by the opioid crisis.

Signed INTERDICT Act, strengthening efforts to detect and intercept synthetic opioids before they reach our communities.
DOJ secured its first-ever indictments against Chinese fentanyl manufacturers.
Joint Criminal Opioid Darknet Enforcement (J-CODE) team, aimed at disrupting online illicit opioid sales.
Declared the opioid crisis a Nationwide Public Health Emergency in October 2017.

Law and Order
More U.S. Circuit Court judges confirmed in the first year in office than ever.
Confirmed more than two dozen U. S. Circuit Court judges.
Followed through on the promise to nominate judges to the Supreme Court who will adhere to the Constitution
Nominated and confirmed Justice Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Signed an executive order directing the Attorney General to develop a strategy to more effectively prosecute people who commit crimes against law enforcement officers.

Launched an evaluation of grant programs to make sure they prioritize the protection and safety of law enforcement officers.
Established a task force to reduce crime and restore public safety in communities across Signed an executive order to focus more federal resources on dismantling transnational criminal organizations such as drug cartels.

Signed an executive order to focus more federal resources on dismantling transnational criminal organizations such as drug cartels.
Violent crime decreased in 2017 according to FBI statistics.
$137 million in grants through the COPS Hiring Program to preserve jobs, increase community policing capacities, and support crime prevention efforts.

Enhanced and updated the Project Safe Neighborhoods to help reduce violent crime.

Signed legislation making it easier to target websites that enable sex trafficking and strengthened penalties for people who promote or facilitate prostitution.

Created an interagency task force working around the clock to prosecute traffickers, protect victims, and prevent human trafficking.
Conducted Operation Cross Country XI to combat human trafficking, rescuing 84 children and arresting 120 human traffickers.
Encouraged federal prosecutors to use the death penalty when possible in the fight against the trafficking of deadly drugs.
New rule effectively banning bump stock sales in the United States.
Nasdaq Hits 9,000 for First Time Ever
Dec. 26 (UPI) — U.S. stocks surged higher Thursday as a year-end rally stoked by bullish economic news pushed the Nasdaq Composite index to 9,000 for the first time in its history. dec 26 2019

Border Security and Immigration
Secured $1.6 billion for border wall construction in the March 2018 omnibus bill.

Construction of a 14-mile section of border wall began near San Diego.
Worked to protect American communities from the threat posed by the vile MS-13 gang.

ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations division arrested 796 MS-13 members and associates in FY 2017, an 83 percent increase from the prior year.

Justice worked with partners in Central America to secure criminal charges against more than 4,000 MS-13 members.
Border Patrol agents arrested 228 illegal aliens affiliated with MS-13 in FY 2017.

Fighting to stop the scourge of illegal drugs at our border.
ICE HSI seized more than 980,000 pounds of narcotics in FY 2017, including 2,370 pounds of fentanyl and 6,967 pounds of heroin.
ICE HSI dedicated nearly 630,000 investigative hours towards halting the illegal import of fentanyl.
ICE HSI made 11,691 narcotics-related arrests in FY 2017.
Stop Opioid Abuse and Reduce Drug Supply and Demand introduced new measures to keep dangerous drugs out the United States.
Signed the INTERDICT Act into law, enhancing efforts to detect and intercept synthetic opioids.
DOJ secured its first-ever indictments against Chinese fentanyl manufacturers.

DOJ launched their Joint Criminal Opioid Darknet Enforcement (J-CODE) team, aimed at disrupting online illicit opioid sales.
Released an immigration framework that includes the resources required to secure our borders and close legal loopholes, and repeatedly called on Congress to fix our broken immigration laws.
Authorized the deployment of the National Guard to help secure the border.
Enhanced vetting of individuals entering the U.S. from countries that don’t meet security standards, helping to ensure individuals who pose a threat to our country are identified before they enter.
These procedures were upheld in a June 2018 Supreme Court hearing.
ICE removed over 226,000 illegal aliens from the United States in 2017.
ICE rescued or identified over 500 human trafficking victims and over 900 child exploitation victims in 2017 alone.
In 2017, ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) arrested more than 127,000 aliens with criminal convictions or charges, responsible for
Over 76,000 with dangerous drug offenses.
More than 48,000 with assault offenses.
More than 11,000 with weapons offenses.
More than 5,000 with sexual assault offenses.
More than 2,000 with kidnapping offenses.
Over 1,800 with homicide offenses.
Created the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office in order to support the victims and families affected by illegal alien crime.
More than doubled the number of counties participating in the 287(g) program, which allows jails to detain criminal aliens until they are transferred to ICE custody.

Negotiating and renegotiating better trade deals, achieving free, fair, and reciprocal trade for the United States.
Agreed to work with the European Union towards zero tariffs, zero non-tariff barriers, and zero subsides.
Deal with the European Union to increase U.S. energy exports to Europe.
Litigated multiple WTO disputes targeting unfair trade practices and upholding our right to enact fair trade laws.
Finalized a revised trade agreement with South Korea, which includes provisions to increase American automobile exports.
Negotiated an historic U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement to replace NAFTA.

Agreement to begin trade negotiations for a U.S.-Japan trade agreement.
Secured $250 billion in new trade and investment deals in China and $12 billion in Vietnam.
Established a Trade and Investment Working Group with the United Kingdom, laying the groundwork for post-Brexit trade.
Enacted steel and aluminum tariffs to protect our vital steel and aluminum producers and strengthen our national security.
Conducted 82 anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations in 2017 alone.

Confronting China’s unfair trade practices after years of Washington looking the other way.
25 percent tariff on $50 billion of goods imported from China and later imposed an additional 10% tariff on $200 billion of Chinese goods.
Conducted an investigation into Chinese forced technology transfers, unfair licensing practices, and intellectual property theft.
Imposed safeguard tariffs to protect domestic washing machines and solar products manufacturers hurt by China’s trade policies
Withdrew from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Secured access to new markets for America’s farmers.
Recent deal with Mexico included new improvements enabling food and agriculture to trade more fairly.
Recent agreement with the E.U. will reduce barriers and increase trade of American soybeans to Europe.
Won a WTO dispute regarding Indonesia’s unfair restriction of U.S. agricultural exports.
Defended American Tuna fisherman and packagers before the WTO
Opened up Argentina to American pork experts for the first time in a quarter-century
American beef exports have returned to china for the first time in more than a decade
OK’d up to $12 billion in aid for farmers affected by unfair trade retaliation.

Presidential Memorandum to clear roadblocks to construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline.
Presidential Memorandum declaring that the Dakota Access Pipeline serves the national interest and initiating the process to complete construction.
Opened up the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge to energy exploration.
Coal exports up over 60 percent in 2017.
Rolled back the “stream protection rule” to prevent it from harming America’s coal industry.
Cancelled Obama’s anti-coal Clean Power Plan and proposed the Affordable Clean Energy Rule as a replacement.
Withdrew from the job-killing Paris climate agreement, which would have cost the U.S. nearly $3 trillion and led to 6.5 million fewer industrial sector jobs by 2040.
U.S. oil production has achieved its highest level in American history
United States is now the largest crude oil producer in the world.
U.S. has become a net natural gas exporter for the first time in six decades.
Action to expedite the identification and extraction of critical minerals that are vital to the nation’s security and economic prosperity.
Took action to reform National Ambient Air Quality Standards, benefitting American manufacturers.
Rescinded Obama’s hydraulic fracturing rule, which was expected to cost the industry $32 million per year.
Proposed an expansion of offshore drilling as part of an all-of-the above energy strategy
Held a lease sale for offshore oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico in August 2018.
Got EU to increase its imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States.
Issued permits for the New Burgos Pipeline that will cross the U.S.-Mexico border.

Foreign Policy
Moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
Withdrew from Iran deal and immediately began the process of re-imposing sanctions that had been lifted or waived.
Treasury has issued sanctions targeting Iranian activities and entities, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force
Since enacting sanctions, Iran’s crude exports have fallen off, the value of Iran’s currency has plummeted, and international companies have pulled out of the country.
All nuclear-related sanctions will be back in full force by early November 2018.
Historic summit with North Korean President Kim Jong-Un, bringing beginnings of peace and denuclearization to the Korean Peninsula.
The two leaders have exchanged letters and high-level officials from both sides have met resulting in tremendous progress.
North Korea has halted nuclear and missile tests.
Negotiated the return of the remains of missing-in-action soldiers from the Korean War.
Imposed strong sanctions on Venezuelan dictator Nicholas Maduro and his inner circle.
Executive order preventing those in the U.S. from carrying out certain transactions with the Venezuelan regime, including prohibiting the purchase of the regime’s debt.
Responded to the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime.
Rolled out sanctions targeting individuals and entities tied to Syria’s chemical weapons program.
Directed strikes in April 2017 against a Syrian airfield used in a chemical weapons attack on innocent civilians.
Joined allies in launching airstrikes in April 2018 against targets associated with Syria’s chemical weapons use.
New Cuba policy that enhanced compliance with U.S. law and held the Cuban regime accountable for political oppression and human rights abuses.
Treasury and State are working to channel economic activity away from the Cuban regime, particularly the military.
Changed the rules of engagement, empowering commanders to take the fight to ISIS.
ISIS has lost virtually all of its territory, more than half of which has been lost under Trump.
ISIS’ self-proclaimed capital city, Raqqah, was liberated in October 2017.
All Iraqi territory had been liberated from ISIS.
More than a dozen American hostages have been freed from captivity all of the world.
Action to combat Russia’s malign activities, including their efforts to undermine the sanctity of United States elections.
Expelled dozens of Russian intelligence officers from the United States and ordered the closure of the Russian consulate in Seattle, WA.
Banned the use of Kaspersky Labs software on government computers, due to the company’s ties to Russian intelligence.
Imposed sanctions against five Russian entities and three individuals for enabling Russia’s military and intelligence units to increase Russia’s offensive cyber capabilities.
Sanctions against seven Russian oligarchs, and 12 companies they own or control, who profit from Russia’s destabilizing activities.
Sanctioned 100 targets in response to Russia’s occupation of Crimea and aggression in Eastern Ukraine.
Enhanced support for Ukraine’s Armed Forces to help Ukraine better defend itself.
Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.
Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.

Executive order keeping the detention facilities at U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay open.
$700 billion in military funding for FY 2018 and $716 billion for FY 2019.
Largest military pay raise in nearly a decade.
Ordered a Nuclear Posture Review to ensure America’s nuclear forces are up to date and serve as a credible deterrent.
Released America’s first fully articulated cyber strategy in 15 years.
New strategy on national biodefense, which better prepares the nation to defend against biological threats.
Administration has announced that it will use whatever means necessary to protect American citizens and servicemen from unjust prosecution by the International Criminal Court.
Released an America first National Security Strategy.
Put in motion the launch of a Space Force as a new branch of the military and relaunched the National Space Council.

Encouraged North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies to increase defense spending to their agree-upon levels.
In 2017 alone, there was an increase of more than 4.8 percent in defense spending amongst NATO allies.
Every member state has increased defense spending.
Eight NATO allies will reach the 2 percent benchmark by the end of 2018 and 15 allies are on trade to do so by 2024.
NATO allies spent over $42 billion dollars more on defense since 2016.
Executive order to help military spouses find employment as their families deploy domestically and abroad.

Veterans affairs
Signed the VA Accountability Act and expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.
Delivered more appeals decisions – 81,000 – to veterans in a single year than ever before.
Strengthened protections for individuals who come forward and identify programs occurring within the VA.
Signed legislation that provided $86.5 billion in funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the largest dollar amount in history for the VA.
VA MISSION Act, enacting sweeping reform to the VA system that:
Consolidated and strengthened VA community care programs.
Funding for the Veterans Choice program.
Expanded eligibility for the Family Caregivers Program.
Gave veterans more access to walk-in care.
Strengthened the VA’s ability to recruit and retain quality healthcare professionals.
Enabled the VA to modernize its assets and infrastructure.
Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act in 2017, which authorized $2.1 billion in addition funds for the Veterans Choice Program.
Worked to shift veterans’ electronic medical records to the same system used by the Department of Defense, a decades-old priority.
Issued an executive order requiring the Secretaries of Defense, Homeland Security, and Veterans Affairs to submit a joint plan to provide veterans access to access to mental health treatment as they transition to civilian life.
Increased transparency and accountability at the VA by launching an online “Access and Quality Tool,” providing veterans with access to wait time and quality of care data.
Signed legislation to modernize the claims and appeal process at the VA.
Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, providing enhanced educational benefits to veterans, service members, and their family members.
Lifted a 15-year limit on veterans’ access to their educational benefits.
Created a White House VA Hotline to help veterans and principally staffed it with veterans and direct family members of veterans.
VA employees are being held accountable for poor performance, with more than 4,000 VA employees removed, demoted, and suspended so far.
Signed the Veterans Treatment Court Improvement Act, increasing the number of VA employees that can assist justice-involved veterans.

US House Passes President Trump’s Historic USMCA Trade Agreement — Fulfilling ANOTHER Campaign Promise

#5. Liberal Media Fake News  Attack.

Here is some of the garbage and cherry picked attack by the Democratic Party Propaganda Leftist Media against  Trump

he who called Mexican immigrants drug dealers and rapists <– if you watch the actual speech he clearly talking about the MS-13 GANG!

implemented a Muslim travel ban <– In 2015, Obama signed into law a measure placing limited restrictions
those countries Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria then Libya, Somalia, and Yemen were “identified by the Obama administration as the seven most dangerous countries in the world in regard to harboring terrorists.” Trump was continuing the Obama policy but elevate the restriction to a 3-month thorough vetting of refugees to make sure terrorists cannot enter the US.

disrespects Black women journalists <- Trump is not a politician he always speaks his mind no matter what race or see. When he said “What a stupid question that is” to the Journalists he also said all kinds of remarks to other races. He always get attack by the Liberal media and this is his way of handling them by speaking out to them.

Trump does not what to happen in the US for happened in Europe deadly attacks by unvetted migrants in Europe.  

He’s the same man who’s incited state-sanctioned violence against peaceful protesters <– Lafayette Square was cleared out just minutes ahead of a 7:00 p.m. curfew and the U.S. Park Police — not the U.S. military — did not use tear gas or rubber bullets to disperse the crowd.

These protesters are unpredictable like the past days, they can be violent instantly.
every mainstream reporter got this story catastrophically wrong yesterday.
—No tear gas
—Park police didn’t know about Trump’s walk
—No coordination with White House
—Clearance prompted by objects being thrown at cops by crowd & prior destructive acts

A source says tear gas was never used — instead smoke cannisters were deployed, which don’t have an uncomfortable irritant in them. And, the source says Park Police didn’t know President Trump would be walking across the park several minutes later. Park Police say

Park Police Chief goes ON THE RECORD: no tear gas or rubber bullets used to disperse DC protest/violence before Trump speech. Officers attacked with bricks, found staged weapons, intel suggested vandalism, and destruction imminent, 3 loudspeaker warnings:

National Mall included activities that were not part of a peaceful protest, which resulted in injuries to USPP officers in the line of duty, the destruction of public property and the defacing of memorials and monuments. During four days of demonstrations, 51 members of the USPP were injured; of those, 11 were transported to the hospital and released and three were admitted.

evades responsibility for the more than 215,000 American lives lost to the coronavirus (or as he insists, the “China virus”). <—

 President Donald Trump imposed the China travel ban on January 31, 2020  before the first coronavirus case spread within the U.S.
1. The US has 12,000 and 13,000 ventilators stored able to deploy in 24-36 hours but hospitals had enough.
2. USA Today news fact-check found that the Obama administration had allowed the N95 mask stockpile to deplete during the Swine flu pandemic and did not replenish
3. Hospitals ships deployed to New York and San Francisco no patients came.
4. Trump Reaches Deal With 3M to Bring 55.5 Million Masks to Health Care Workers Monthly.
Trump Says U.S. Ordered 500 Million N95 Masks to Combat Virus in March.
5. Fauci: The Response Of Trump Admin Has Been Impressive, I Can’t Imagine Anybody Could Be Doing More.
Trump imposed the ban when there were fewer than ten cases and no deaths, buying time and saving lives, as Dr. Anthony Fauci has testified.
6. At the time Trump imposed the travel ban on China, former Vice President Joe Biden called it “hysterical xenophobia.”
Two months later, Biden changed his mind.
7. Temporary hospitals were built but never use.

  • The Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City: COVID-19 design for 2,100 beds,
  • Westchester County Center in White Plains, New York: COVID-19 design for 110 beds.
  • McCormick Place in Chicago: COVID-19 design for 3,000 beds
  • State University of New York at Stony Brook, in Stony Brook, New York: non-COVID-19 design for 1,038 beds.
  • Sherman Hospital in Elgin, Illinois: COVID-19 design for 283 beds
  • Metro South Medical Center in Blue Island, Illinois: COVID-19 design for 550 beds.
  • State University of New York at Old Westbury in Old Westbury,  New York: non- COVID-19 design for 1,024 beds.
  • TCF Center in Detroit: COVID-19 design for 1,000 beds, 95% completed.
  • Gibson Medical Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico: COVID-19 design for 200 beds.

8. During the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic Biden’s comments helped fuel the panic instead of easing it.

“I would tell members of my family, and I have, I wouldn’t go anywhere in confined places now,” Biden told NBC News’s Today show. “It’s not that it’s going to Mexico, it’s you’re in a confined aircraft when one person sneezes it goes all the way through the aircraft. That’s me. I would not be, at this point, if they had another way of transportation, suggesting they ride the subway.

#7  Eight Years of Failed Obama – Biden Administration

Obama – Biden administration was the first administration that never had a whole year of 3 GDP percent growth from 2009 to 2016

The last eight years have brought the lowest labor participation rates since the 1970s, with 95 million Americans out of the labor force.

The so-called recovery has been the weakest one since the 1940s. We have the lowest home ownership rate in 51 years – despite mortgage rates artificially kept at record lows.

Over 11 million more Americans are on food stamps since he became president and

more than 43 million Americans now live in poverty.

One of every six men between 18 and 34 are either in prison or out of work.

And by the time he leaves office, President Obama will have added $8.588 trillion more to our national debt than all the other presidents before him combined.

When Obama – Biden finally leaves office, the national debt will be almost $22 trillion.

Prior to taking office, the man who has tacked on $9.3 trillion to what our children and grandchildren owe once said the then $9 trillion national debt was “unpatriotic.”

Then, of course, there’s President Obama’s assault on the business community through his burdensome regulations. Consider this:

The estimated cost of regulations under Obama is a staggering $873 billion. That includes a shocking $344 billion cost in Environmental Protection Agency regulations alone. All told, the number of new regulations that been finalized under President Obama checks in at almost 3,000.

When it comes to jobs, President Obama is always bragging about how many he’s created, but facts are stubborn things. In the past eight years, America has lost more than 300,000 manufacturing jobs and, although the president doesn’t mention it, America had a global trade deficit of over $732 billion last year.

Yet another drag on the American economy is ObamaCare, his signature legislation and crowning achievement. Remember when Obama repeatedly told you that under his plan you could keep your doctor, you keep your plan and that that it would drive down overall health costs to the point the average family would save $2,500 a year? And how ObamaCare would actually reduce the deficit?

“No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people,” Obama said on June 15, 2009. “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan, period.”

Well, millions of people lost their doctors and their insurance plans, but that was just the start of the ObamaCare disaster. This year, Affordable Care Act premiums are exploding by 25 percent on average. In Arizona, they’re jumping by a stunning 116 percent. Deductibles are so high that even if ObamaCare recipients pay their premiums, they can’t afford to use their coverage in many cases.

As for the average American family saving $2,500 a year on health care, the exact opposite has happened. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the increase in health care costs for employer-sponsored benefits since 2008 is now $5,462. That is a 43 percent increase.

It just keeps getting worse. Choice in health care providers available through ObamaCare is evaporating. In states like Alabama, Alaska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Wyoming, people buying on the exchanges have a single insurer to choose from. It’s because insurers are now pulling out after losing massive amounts of money. So much for choice.

So what about foreign policy? Obama gave Iran, the No. 1 state sponsor of terror, $150 billion and allows them to continue to spin their centrifuges? And of course, he paid a ransom for four U.S. citizens Iran held prisoner, reversing longstanding policy and signaling to the world that there’s money to be made from taking Americans captive.

Obama drew a “red line” when he warned Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad not to use chemical weapons. When Assad crossed it, Obama did nothing. Partly as a result, that country civil war continues and has created a massive worldwide humanitarian crisis.

In Egypt, Obama he gave Mohammed Morsi, the former Muslim Brotherhood head who became president but is now in prison for murder, F-16s, tanks and $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds.

In Libya, the president helped overthrew Qaddafi, and that country has since fallen into chaos, creating a hotbed for ISIS.

And speaking of ISIS, back 2014, President Obama called the world’s most dangerous terrorist organization the”JayVee” team. The next year, just hours before the horrific ISIS attack in Paris that killed 130 people, Obama assured us that ISIS was “contained.” ISIS was never a junior varsity team, and certainly was not contained. In fact, it seized vast parts of Iraq because Obama created a vacuum when he pulled U.S. troops out too early for purely political reasons.

============= =======================================

Pro Abortion up to 9 months


Abortion is NOT about a woman’s “right” to do what she chooses with her own body. It is NOT her body or life being extinguished, it is the baby’s body. The overwhelming majority of all abortions, (95%), are done as a means of birth control as a matter of convenience. Only 1% are performed because

1% because of fetal abnormalities; 3% due to the mother’s health problems.

Pro choice

people I know here in the US who are PRO ABORTION they call call themselves PRO-CHOICE!!
so there are only two choices here its ANTI ABORTION or PRO-CHOICE
supporting the belief that a pregnant woman should have the freedom to choose an abortion (= the intentional ending of pregnancy) if she does not want to have a baby:

How should we answer the statement that being pro-choice does not mean being pro-abortion?’

First, ask, “What is the choice you’re defending to be protected by law?”
It can’t be the choice to bear a child, which was protected by U.S. law long before U.S. law made abortion legal.

So they can’t reasonably argue that they’re defending the right of a couple, or even that of an unwed mother, to have a child. Again, that was already enshrined in U.S. law and thus is not a genuine issue in the abortion debate.

Second, point out that the choice “pro-choicers” are defending is the choice for a couple—or a woman alone—to abort a child. Acknowledge that pro-choicers do not favor the mandating of abortion in many or most cases, as has been the case in China for many years, despite a recent and minor relaxation in its one-baby-per-couple quota. Still, despite their presumably opposing such a government-enforced mandate, the choice pro-choicers are defending is the legal right for anyone who desires an abortion to have that procedure performed on their unborn child. Consequently, to that extent, they’re undeniably “pro-abortion,” because they are defending legalized abortion in those cases as a morally good thing that should be available for couples and individuals who seek them.

Example of former foster child now successful
John Lennon. Imagine a life without John Lennon. …
Marilyn Monroe. …
James Dean. …
Louis Armstrong. …
Alonzo Mourning.
Eddie Murphy  

Biden says police have “BECOME THE ENEMY” and calls for CUTTING police funding: “Yes, absolutely!”



At a town hall in June 2016, President Obama famously said that some manufacturing jobs “are just not going to come back.” He went on to mock then-candidate Trump by saying he’d need a “magic wand” to make good on this manufacturing job promises.

In the first 21 months of the Trump presidency, nonfarm employment grew by a seasonally adjusted 2.6%. In the same period, manufacturing employment grew by 3.1%, reversing the trend under Obama when overall employment grew faster than employment in the manufacturing sector.

Comparing the last 21 months of the Obama administration with the first 21 months of Trump’s, shows that under Trump’s watch, more than 10 times the number of manufacturing jobs were added.

Three things likely sparked this manufacturing jobs spike.

First, eight years of the Obama Administration’s piling on regulation upon regulation, from labor rules, to the Clean Power Plan, to the implementation of ObamaCare, placed industry into a defensive crouch. Business leaders were fearful of investing capital, not knowing how the federal rules might capriciously change, thus wiping out their expected return on investment.

That defensiveness ended in November 2016 when the expectations of additional regulatory burdens under a prospective President Clinton vanished. Not coincidentally, manufacturing employment started its sustained upswing the very month of Krugman’s tweet.

Second, the Trump Administration’s deregulatory practice exceeded expectations, with red tape being cut at a faster clip than achieved under President Ronald Reagan 36 years earlier.

Third, with the Republican Congress, President Trump delivered on a major overhaul of the tax code, including a significant cut to business taxes as well as a change to the treatment of overseas profits that incentivized the repatriation of some $300 billion in the first quarter of 2018 out of what the Federal Reserve estimates is $1 trillion in multinational profits held abroad.

Whether this manufacturing jobs boom will continue is now largely dependent on the Trump Administration’s high-stakes trade stand-off with the People’s Republic of China.

Some economists warn that Trump’s tariffs put our healthy economic expansion (stimulated by tax cuts and deregulation) at risk. The administration’s defenders, on the other hand, see tariffs not as an end to themselves, as they were with the protectionist Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930, but as part of a wider effort to renegotiate the terms of trade with China. Included in the effort are the difficult issues of widespread and systematic Chinese intellectual property theft and opaque non-tariff barriers.

Past performance is no guarantee—but so far, President Trump’s pro-growth policies have confounded his critics’ predictions with the prime beneficiaries being hard-working Americans.

Insulet Corp.
Total jobs reshored: 1,500
States benefiting: Massachusetts
Industry: Biotechnology
Headquarters: Billerica, Massachusetts

Total jobs reshored: 1,600
States benefiting: Rhode Island, TBD
Industry: Pharmaceuticals
Headquarters: Thousand Oaks, California

Merck & Co.
Total jobs reshored: 1,633
States benefiting: New Jersey, TBD
Industry: Pharmaceuticals
Headquarters: Kenilworth, New Jersey

Total jobs reshored: 2,165
States benefiting: Ohio
Industry: Electronics, electrical equipment
Headquarters: Benton Harbor, Michigan

Total jobs reshored: 4,000
States benefiting: Arizona, California, Oregon
Industry: Semiconductors & other electronic components
Headquarters: Santa Clara, California

Total jobs reshored: 4,200
States benefiting: Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, New York
Industry: Motor vehicles & parts
Headquarters: Dearborn, Michigan

General Motors
Total jobs reshored: 12,988
States benefiting: Michigan, New York, Tennessee, Texas
Industry: Motor vehicles & parts
Headquarters: Detroit, Michigan

Total jobs reshored: 22,200
States benefiting: Texas, TBD
Industry: Computers, office equipment
Headquarters: Cupertino, California


Lies and Plagarism

In 2007, Biden claimed that he was “shot at” in Iraq’s Green Zone.

And in April, during his first campaign rally since declaring his candidacy, Biden falsely said the benefits from the Trump tax cuts went entirely to “folks at the top and corporations.”

Sept 7, 2020 Delaware State University has denied that Joe Biden has ever been a student there — after the presidential candidate’s claim that he “got started” at the historically black college.

Plagiarized a law school paper
At Syracuse University College of Law, Biden “used five pages from a published law review article without quotation or attribution,” sssss

Plagiarized Neil Kinnock
Biden dropped out of the 1988 presidential race after reports that he’d copied a speech delivered months earlier by British Labour Party politician Neil Kinnock.

Plagiarized Bobby Kennedy
Biden’s campaign manager Pat Caddell took responsibility for mixing up pages of a planned Biden speech for the 1987 California Democratic Convention with papers quoting an inspirational speech by the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy.

October 2020 : Pennsylvania union calls out Joe Biden over false endorsement claim

Biden said in the September 12, 2019 debate: “We didn’t lock people up in cages. We didn’t separate families. We didn’t do all of those things, number one. They did”

  • Not true, all those pictures you saw of the cages were taken in 2014 during his time in office.

The “cages” were built and used Obama and Biden administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids temporarily.

Joe Biden has repeatedly said he was arrested with Nelson Mandela on the streets of Soweto during a trip to South Africa in the 1970s, when South Africa was under apartheid.

  • There is absolutely no truth to this, as Biden was later forced to confess

Biden said on May 22, 2020 in an interview on The Breakfast Club radio show: “The NAACP has endorsed me every time I’ve run.”

  • Not true. The NAACP has never endorsed any candidate

On September 3, 2019 in an NPR interview, referring to the Iraq War, “immediately, the moment it started, I came out against the war at that moment.

Not true. Biden fully supported the Iraq war and voted for the resolution to go to war.

On August 7, 2019 – Joe Biden claimed that Donald Trump “asserted that immigrants would quote, ‘carve you up with a knife’.” 

  • He never said that about immigrants. He said that MS-13 Gang members were doing that

In a famous video confrontation with a critic, Joe Biden shouted: “I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my class who had a full academic scholarship. The first year in law school, I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds of my class. And then decided I wanted to stay, went back to law school and, in fact, ended up in the top half of my class. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school.”

He was caught cheating in school exams, got caught cheating and plagiarizing in Law School and in his political career their was this huge plagiarism scandal:

One of his greatest lies is that on Charlottesville, President Trump said there were good people on the Nazis/White Nationalists side. He said just the opposite. Here are the actual quotes:

“you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name…..I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.


Another quote from PresidentTrump’s Charlottesville press conference:

“Racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”

Biden continues to repeat this lie. Here is video of a reporter confronting him about it:

Biden went on to say, ″I went to (Syracuse) law school on a full academic scholarship. LIE

FACT CHECK CLAIM: At Thursday night’s #PresidentialDebate, President Trump said Joe Biden has taken “all the money from Wall Street.” VERDICT: TRUE. Biden’s presidential campaign is being bankrolled by nearly every big bank on Wall Street, including Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, and JPMorgan Chase.



…. In the 14 days before illness onset, 71% of case-patients and 74% of control-participants reported always using cloth face coverings or other mask types when in public.

Close contact with one or more persons with known COVID-19 was reported by 42% of case-patients compared with 14% of control-participants (p<0.01), and most (51%) close contacts were family members.


11 of Joe Biden’s Biggest Debate Lies



Now, I have no love for this ventilatorventilatorpresident—he who called Mexican immigrants drug dealers and rapists, bragged about sexual assault, implemented a Muslim travel ban, and disrespects Black women journalists. He’s the same man who’s incited state-sanctioned violence against peaceful protesters and evades responsibility for the more than 215,000 American lives lost to the coronavirus (or as he insists, the “China virus”).

he who called Mexican immigrants drug dealers and rapists <– if you watch the actual speech he clearly talking about the MS-13 GANG!

implemented a Muslim travel ban <– In 2015, Obama signed into law a measure placing limited restrictions
those countries Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria then Libya, Somalia, and Yemen were “identified by the Obama administration as the seven most dangerous countries in the world in regard to harboring terrorists.” Trump was continuing the Obama policy but elevate the restriction to a 3-month thorough vetting of refugees to make sure terrorists cannot enter the US. To prevent what what is happening in Europe islamist attack to happen in the US.

disrespects Black women journalists <- Trump is not a politician he always speaks his mind no matter what race or see. When he said “What a stupid question that is” to the Journalists he also said all kinds of remarks to other races. He always get attack by the Liberal media and this is his way of handling them by speaking out to them.

He’s the same man who’s incited state-sanctioned violence against peaceful protesters <– Lafayette Square was cleared out just minutes ahead of a 7:00 p.m. curfew and the U.S. Park Police — not the U.S. military — did not use tear gas or rubber bullets to disperse the crowd.

These protesters are unpredictable like the past days, they can be violent instantly.
every mainstream reporter got this story catastrophically wrong yesterday.
—No tear gas
—Park police didn’t know about Trump’s walk
—No coordination with White House
—Clearance prompted by objects being thrown at cops by crowd & prior destructive acts

A source says tear gas was never used — instead smoke cannisters were deployed, which don’t have an uncomfortable irritant in them. And, the source says Park Police didn’t know President Trump would be walking across the park several minutes later. Park Police say

A senior administration told CBS News early Tues the President’s trip to St. John’s Episcopal Church was meant as a show of strength, to counteract earlier reports that the President was sitting in a bunker during the protests.

Park Police Chief goes ON THE RECORD: no tear gas or rubber bullets used to disperse DC protest/violence before Trump speech. Officers attacked with bricks, found staged weapons, intel suggested vandalism, and destruction imminent, 3 loudspeaker warnings:

this past weekend’s demonstrations at Lafayette Park and across the National Mall included activities that were not part of a peaceful protest, which resulted in injuries to USPP officers in the line of duty, the destruction of public property and the defacing of memorials and monuments. During four days of demonstrations, 51 members of the USPP were injured; of those, 11 were transported to the hospital and released and three were admitted.

evades responsibility for the more than 215,000 American lives lost to the coronavirus (or as he insists, the “China virus”). <—

  1. President Donald Trump imposed the China travel ban before the first coronavirus case spread within the U.S.
  2. The US has 12,000 and 13,000 ventilators stored able to deploy in 24-36 hours but hospitals had enough.
  3. USA Today news fact-check found that the Obama administration had allowed the N95 mask stockpile to deplete during the Swine flu pandemic and did not replenish
  4. Hospitals ships deployed to New York and San Francisco no patients came.
  5. Trump Reaches Deal With 3M to Bring 55.5 Million Masks to Health Care Workers Monthly.
    Trump Says U.S. Ordered 500 Million N95 Masks to Combat Virus in March.
  6. Fauci: The Response Of Trump Admin Has Been Impressive, I Can’t Imagine Anybody Could Be Doing More
    Trump imposed the ban when there were fewer than ten cases and no deaths, buying time and saving lives, as Dr.
    Anthony Fauci has testified.
    6 At the time Trump imposed the travel ban on China, former Vice President Joe Biden called it “xenophobia and fear-mongering.”
    Two months later, Biden changed his mind.
  7. Several temporary hospitals were built in 3 days but they were not used.
  8. People dont know that Trump cannot control what each state does to deal with the virus.


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New Member  ·  I grew up in a liberal city, liberal environment, watching the news and thinking celebrities and athletes were unbiased. When 45 won in 2016, I was terrified. I actually got my passport because I was ready to leave the country. I had no clue why I felt that way. The subconscious works in mysterious ways. I kept hearing people call him names, I remember I never quite hated him the way others did…so I decided to UNPLUG from the mainstream news outlets, stopped allowing celebrities and sheeple to sway my opinion, and said well damn…let ME do my own research on this man and see what the big deal is and why everyone hates him. I soon discovered that he signed the FUTURE ACT which made permanent ; $255 million for stem funding going towards minority colleges. The FIRST STEP ACT which has freed over 3000 people from prison who were wrongfully convicted, 90% of them being black. Allocated $6 billion towards fighting the opioid crisis. Made CBD legal. Made gag orders on pharmacists illegal, which saves Americans tons of money on prescriptions. Appointed the first gay cabinet member to director of national intelligence. Made animal cruelty a felony. Over 10+ million annually to clean lakes and oceans. Made breast-feeding legal in airports. Won several Noble peace prizes. Is allocating $100 million towards combating hooman trafflcklng, which happens to be the biggest black market currency. And then it clicked. After I stopped living vicariously and started thinking for myself (which liberals don’t understand since they suffer from hive mentality) I came to my OWN conclusion. Since then, I lost friends and fam. People I’ve known since childhood. Who chose to attack me. I sat quietly disagreeing with their liberal ideology for years andI never once attacked them or started trouble but they seem to be the ones who can’t keep it neutral. So now I’m leaving the left. I’m done with your hatred. I’m done with your misinformation. I’m done with your fear. The right has embraced me with open arms. Friends of all races and cultures. Who all believe in one common thing…Freedom

AXIT Asian Exit From Democratic Party

He is right, Mainstream Media. Upper Education, Hollywood are overwhelming LiberalAXIT HAS STARTEDAsian Exit from the Democratic Party#LEXIT#BLEXIT

Laptop From Hell

Remember when the media claimed that Trump paid hookers to pee on him in a hotel room? No one shred of proof but boy, did they run with it! Facebook sure as $hit didn’t censor it.Now we have a hard drive with pics of docs and people so obscene that it would illegal to show here ( like with underage kids).Where’s the media?The media no longer exists ; they’ve now turned into the propaganda wing of the democrat party


Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who “self-deported” or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

Apprehension under Trump went down significantly, why, because the wall works

Trump deported less illegals during his first term than Obama.


Trump Won Highest Share of Non-White Vote of Any Republican Since 1960, Doubles LGBTQ Support, Exit Polls Show

They #WalkedAway from the Democratic Party because:
1. After they researched two political parties they found out their moral values are Conservative, not Liberal.
2. Discovered that the Democratic Party is the actual racist party, created the Ku Klux Klan, started Jim Crow, protected Slavery, Lynching, Opposed the Civil Rights, Internment of the Japanese Americans, attempted to block the civil rights act in 1964 and the voting right act for blacks in 1965 and a lot more.
3. Got tired and sick of the Mainstream Liberal media BIAS


The Democratic National Committee chair, Tom Perez, on Tuesday wholeheartedly embraced Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old progressive insurgent who stunned the political world last week when she unseated a 10-term incumbent New York Democrat, calling the democratic socialist “the future of our party.”

The people who immigrated from Socialists or Communist countries are voting for the Republicans Party because they see the programs in the Democratic Party the same in their countries where they came from.

Social democracy, the most common form of modern socialism, focuses on achieving social reforms and redistribution of wealth through democratic processes, and can co-exist alongside a free-market capitalist economy.

Nothing is free. The Government doesn’t have money. The government takes money from the people via income tax.

Free College Tuition is not really free, the people pay for it.

Socialized healthcare is not really free, the people pay for it. The government gets funding by increasing taxes.

Free Health Care and Free Education to Illegal Alians is a form of Socialist redistribution of wealth.

Gun Control / Ban Guns – To maintain its iron grip, the Socialist countries had to turn to the most proven form of suppression— gun confiscation. In Socialist countries Firearms bans, confiscation, and registration give the state a virtual monopoly on violence, thus turning its citizens into defenseless subjects.

No Freedom of Speech for Conservatives especially on College campuses.

Social Justice – Redistribution of wealth

Abortion funding

Media Bias

Tech Giants censorship of the Conservatives on YouTube, Google, and Twitter

The Green New Deal

Socialists—most of them are Democrats, prominent in their party—will tell you that all they want is a “fair distribution” of wealth, a government that sees to it that every American’s basic needs are met, more “democracy”… and “justice.” Don’t expect them to define what they mean by “justice.” Leftists never do.

They say they want a nice, cozy, secular state modeled on those of Scandinavia, ignoring the fact that the Scandinavian countries largely abandoned their socialist experiment in the 1970s (Chapter 4). What remains of Scandinavian socialism today survives because there is very little similarity between the United States and Scandinavia.

Why Do They Want It?

Quite simply, they want it because such an arrangement would give them, personally, power and wealth beyond mere avarice. They seek to mastermind a thorough “transformation”—ideologically, socially, culturally—of America (p. 72). It would give them total control of every aspect of American life.

Who Are They?

First, a few facts and figures to illustrate the personal wealth accumulated by big-name socialists in the course of “helping the poor” (p. 213, etc.).

1234567891011Michael Moore, humble man of the people, $50 million. Bernie Sanders, three houses. Elizabeth Warren, $12 million. Bill and Hillary Clinton, Clinton Foundation, $200 million. Barack Obama, $40 million. Joe Biden and family, untold millions (it’s a family affair).

You will have noticed they are all Democrats. “Are there any prominent Democrats who resist this collectivist terminology?” D’Souza asks. “There are not” (p. 17). “The progressives and socialists are largely unified behind a Democratic Party agenda that can accurately be termed socialist.” That agenda features “a national healthcare system” (Obamacare), Universal Basic Income, free college tuition, and the Green New Deal (p. 18), the latter claiming that “man-made climate change” gives us only twelve more years to completely transform into a socialist economy. Otherwise it’s Doomsday.

Socialism in America is the leadership of the Democrat Party, an army of useful idiots recruited from the colleges and universities, and those major institutions that they’ve managed to turn against us: the “news” media, Hollywood (useful idiots with fame and money), the “deep state,” and our whole academic establishment. It’s a fearsome combination, and socialists expect it to give them control and ownership of our country.

If you try to name a leading Democrat who is not a socialist, you will fail. There are no such Democrats left in the party’s higher echelons.
How They Mean to Win

This can be stated simply.

Fake news: “The media is critical because it is the channel through which the American people get virtually all their political information” (p. 227). “Without the media, no one in America—not even critics of the media—have any comprehensive idea of what’s going on” (p. 228). America’s virulently left-wing media control the flow of information.

Intimidation: Timid Republicans and business leaders fear the power of the media (p. 228), which can destroy their reputations and turn them into perceived enemies of “the people” and “justice,” etc. Not to mention hostile college crowds that shout down speakers, masked Antifa thugs who attack people on the streets, and a racial grievance industry that brands all opposition, all criticism, no matter how trivial or ineffectual, as “racist.”

Indoctrination: Academics, self-anointed intellectuals, teachers’ union bosses “want to be the ruling class” (p. 71). So they “teach” children, teens, and young adults “naked propaganda” (p. 224) aimed at the supposed, but never debated, defects of America and capitalism. Public schools have embraced and enthroned, for instance, Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States “to generate an anti-American narrative” (p. 37). This is daily fare in most high schools and colleges.


Corruption and China

Chapter II

Read Conservative Media

Classical Liberalism

The term “classical liberal” came into use in 20th-century America to distinguish the supporters of old-school laissez-faire.

laissezfaire, a French term that translates as “leave alone” (literally, “let you do“), is that the less the government is involved in the economy, the better off business will be—and by extension, society as a whole. Laissezfaire economics are a key part of free market capitalism  

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism that advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom. Closely related to economic liberalism, it developed in the early 19th century, building on ideas from the previous century as a response to urbanization and to the Industrial Revolution in Europe and North America

Conservative canons:

(1) A divine intent, as well as personal conscience, rules society.

(2) Traditional life is filled with variety and mystery, while most radical systems are Conservative characterized by narrowing conformity.

(3) Civilized society requires order and hierarchy.

(4) Property and freedom are inseparably connected.

(5) Man must control his will and his appetite, knowing that he is governed more by emotion than reason.

(6) Society must change but slowly.

Election 2020

1 out of 5 Black Men voted for Trump 18%

Over 30% of Latinos voted for Trmp

Over 30% of Asians voted for Trump

Climate Change

Since 1970, simplementation of the Clean Air Act and technological advances from American innovators have dramatically improved air quality in the U.S. Since that time, the combined emissions of criteria and precursor pollutants have dropped by 77%. In recent years the progress has continued: since 2017, the emissions of these pollutants dropped 7%. Cleaner air provides important public health benefits, and we commend our state, local, and industry partners for helping further long-term improvement in our air quality.

Paris Accord

US will have to spend 2 trillion dollars a year for 100 years and the warming will only cool down .03 degrees fharenheit

Biden: “If you elect me, your taxes are going to be raised”

At a Joe Biden campaign rally in South Carolina on Friday, a voter told Biden that the Trump tax cut saved him money, but Biden shot back that he would raise taxes if elected.

Biden: “By the way, how many of you did really well with that $1.9 trillion tax cut…”

[Voter raises a hand to say he benefited from the Trump tax cut.]

Biden: “Well you did! Well, that’s good. I’m glad to see you are doing well already. But guess what, if you elect me, your taxes are going to be raised, not cut, if you benefited from that.”

Biden drafted the infamous 1994 crime bill, signed into law by former President Bill Clinton, that many have cited as one of the driving factors behind mass incarceration and the disproportionate imprisonment of people of color.